10 Most Interesting Facts About Women Around The World

Until the recent times, women were considered only a “wyf” old English for a wife and were not any separate gender.

Weird but true that Women were in fact considered as part of men and solely dependent on men for their public and social identity. But looking back in our past we will find women accomplishing much greater feats than men though they are considered different because of their physicality.


1. Women voting rights, New Zealand first Saudi Arabia last

Surprisingly the first country to grant voting rights to women in the modern era was New Zealand in 1893. Fact In December 2015 Saudi Arabia became the latest country to allow women to vote and run for a seat.

2. World first woman author

Amazingly the world’s first novel, “The Tale of Genji” was written by a woman author Murasaki Shikibu of Japan. It was published around AD 1000.


3. Women live longer

In almost every country the life expectancy of women is more than men. As per world health organisation’s 2015 data, global female life expectancy is 73.8 years against 69.1 years for males.

4. Venus hand mirror

The biological sign for the female sex a circle with a cross sign at the bottom represents the planet, Venus. The Roman goddess Venus’s hand mirror.

5. Only planet named after a woman Venus

Venus is the only planet in our solar system to be named after a woman, while the other remaining planets are named after men.

6. Saddest part of women World

Nearly 1600 women die each day of complications arising due to childbirth around the world. The majority of the deaths occur in developing countries.

7. First official women doctor

Earliest recorded name of a woman physician is Merit Ptah of Egypt. She lived around 2700 BC and is said to be the first female recorded by name in the history of all sciences.

8. Gladiator’s sweat was a cosmetic

Women in ancient Rome wore the sweat of gladiators to improve their beauty and complexion.

9. Most intelligent

The two highest IQ scores recorded ever belonged to, British Indian origin Kashmea Wahi and Anushka Binoy 162 beaten Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein who is believed to have had an IQ of 160.

10. Beauty with Brains proved

Actress Hedy Lamarr was once dubbed as the “World’s most beautiful woman” also “Beauty with brains”. But other than her beauty she was a fantastic model, actress, mathematician, inventor of frequency hopping spread spectrum, used in Bluetooth and Wi-Fi these days. But her innovations and inventions were brushed off and only her beauty was the main focus for the tabloid.

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